
 You may not believe it
But I don't believe in miracles anymore
And when I think about it
I don't believe I ever did for sure
All the things I've said in songs
All the purple prose you bought from me
Reality's just black and white
The sentimental things I'd write
Never meant that much to me

I used to be the main express
All steam and whistles heading west
Picking up my pain from door to door
Riding on the storyline
Furnace burning overtime

But this train don't stop,

This train don't stop,
This train don't stop there anymore

You don't need to hear it
But I'm dried up and sick to death of love
If you need to know it
I never really understood that stuff
All the stars and bleeding hearts
All the tears that welled up in my eyes
Never meant a thing to me
Read 'em as they say and weep
I've never felt enough to cry


But this train don't stop,
This train don't stop,
This train don't stop there anymore

I used to be the main express
All steam and whistles heading west
Picking up my pain from door to door
Riding on the storyline
Furnace burning overtime 

When I said that I don't care
It really means my engine's breaking down
The chisel chips my heart again
The granite cracks beneath my skin
I crumble into pieces on the ground

I used to be the main express
All steam and whistles heading west
Picking up my pain from door to door
Riding on the storyline
Furnace burning overtime

But this train don't stop,
This train don't stop,
This train don't stop there anymore


 之前去看了David LaChapelle 的攝影展



(攝影展現場有放映室播放, 但時間有限, 就略過)

後來覺得Elton John這首歌




David-LaChapelle-25_dossier_image.jpg攝影大師David LaChapelle,驚艷25年

20出頭歲時利用朋友在紐約的公寓,合開藝廊303,為了生活接下拍照工作,同時也開啟大衛拉夏培爾(David LaChapelle)的攝影生涯。因緣際會而認識普普藝術大師安迪.沃荷(Andy Warhol),繼而受邀為《Interview》雜誌拍攝。自此,大衛拉夏培爾(David LaChapelle)的名聲與好萊塢名人同步起飛。時過25年,大衛拉夏培爾(David LaChapelle)晉身世界攝影大師殿堂,更被選為「全球最重要的十大攝影師之一」。

年僅46歲卻擁有豐富跨界經歷的攝影大師大衛拉夏培爾(David LaChapelle),拍過廣告與當代藝術攝影,作過MV導演、執導紀錄片拍攝,以及演藝活動現場設計等。向來利用超現實的藝術表現,與獨特強烈的鮮明色彩,創造一個又一個豔俗無比的情色世界。揭示時尚名流的奢糜生活,同時也深刻記錄屬於這個年代的荒唐頹喪。大衛拉夏培爾(David LaChapelle繼續用他的鏡頭,對這個過度消費的社會現實,做出最嚴正靜默的諷刺批判,這便是拉夏培爾眼中的末世浮華。


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